Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

Ancient Hebrew word pictures describe the father as the
strength of the home. I have observed over the years in my work and with my own family that strong, loving, and reliable fathers raise strong, loving, and reliable sons and daughters. Mothers nurture their children and are intuitively connected to them throughout their life. However, it is the father whose touch and direction bring worth to the individual.

As a child, my mother always looked forward to family prayer and Bible times at the end of the day, because afterwards her father would five each of his children a hug. That simple connection let her know that she was loved and important.

This Father's Day, if you are a dad, be the strength of your home to your family. If you are the son or daughter, find ways to let your father know you do not hold anything against him. If possible, reach out to him with a hug. Tell him at least one thing you admire about him. It could bring a change in both of your lives.